Central Baptist Church's Statement of Faith

In this day of doubt and uncertainties in the religious realm, when so many churches have turned from preaching the Gospel, we set for our beliefs.

WE BELIEVE the Bible is the supernatural, verbally inspired Word of God, which tells of a supernatural Christ, Who has a supernatural birth, Who lives a supernatural life, Who died a supernatural death, Who rose in supernatural power, Who ascended to Heaven in supernatural splendor, and Who will one day very soon return in supernatural glory.

WE BELIEVE in the verbal inspiration of the 66 books of the Bible as they were given by God in their original writing and that it is without error and is the sole authoriy in all matters of faith and practice. We also believe that God's Word is preserved that we might know His will and direction for our lives. To that end, we accept the King James Version of the Bible as that preserved word.

WE BELIEVE there is only one true God, existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. These three are Co-Eternal and Co-Equal for all eternity, each with distinct personalities, but one essence. 

WE BELIEVE that God created the universe in six days, as presented in the Genesis record and that God plays an active role in how it continues to function. We believe that Adam was created without sin, but fell by disobedience, and thus the whole race fell and is by nature, spiritually dead and lost. 

WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Co-Existent with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and that He came into the world, born of a virgin, shed His blood on Calvary as a vicarious substitute for all sin, that he was buried and rose again bodily and ascended to the right hand of the Father. 

WE BELIEVE in the person and work of the Holy Spirit which includes conviction of sin, regeneration of sinners, and indwelling believers. 

WE BELIEVE that it is the plan of God for each believer to walk after the Spirit, and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. 

WE BELIEVE in the eternal preservation and therefore, the eternal perseverance of the saints. 

WE BELIEVE that the believer should be baptized by immersion in water to signify his death, burial, and resurrection with Christ. And also to signify the believer's identification with Him. 

WE BELIEVE that a new testament church is a local group of baptized believers united for His purposes and the knowledge and spread of the Word, including worldwide missions. We believe that it is completely self-determining and responsible only to Christ, the head of the church. We believe it to be completely independent with no other person, group, or body having any authority, right of intervention, or control in any form whatsoever. 

WE BELIEVE the church has two ordinances: the first being baptism, and the second, the Lord's Supper, which is observed regularly. 

WE BELIEVE in the pre-millenial second coming of the Lord, in the bodily resurrection of the righteous dead at His coming, and in an endless Heaven for all the redeemed and an endless punishment for all the lost.